Monday, August 8, 2011

The Law of 3s

People don't seem to know when to give up. As far as I see it, if you don't get any closer after three tries your wasting your time. If at first you don't succeed by all means try again, but when you've tried three times and have gotten no farther then you're not going to get any farther then you did before. There's a difference between will power and just being stubborn.

When people start asking someone to do something they tend to keep asking until they get the answer they want. If the person who is being asked is stubborn, once you get past three tries you don't stand a chance of getting a yes. They will stop even considering your question and will just start denying you on principal.

If that girl you like won't say yes after three tries she's not interested. Coming up with flashier or more creative ways of asking her will not make her anymore likely to say yes. You'll just start to look  like a creep.

When you're trying to beat a game, if you play the same level three and get no closer to beating it give up. At least for the moment being you're not going to get any better at it by being killed by the same alien thirty times. Take a break come back in a couple hours or better yet a couple days. Chances are when you sit back down after doing something else you'll no longer be frustrated and can blast that alien to bits without a second thought.

If by the third time you don't get any closer give up, take a break and try again later. Chances are you might get somewhere if you take a break for a little while.

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