Monday, August 27, 2012


As of Saturday, I moved into an apartment. My college doesn't have dorms so I had to get my own place. Having grown up in the middle of nowhere, it's interesting actually having neighbors. I'm a quiet person so being quiet isn't an issue for me. I wish I could say the same for my neighbors.

At five this morning, I woke up to the sound of someone banging. I got up and went to my peep hole where I saw an angry lady in a bathrobe banging on the door across the hall. I went back to bed and attempted to fall asleep again. I then realized the reason for the banging. Somebody was playing marriachi music incredibly loud.

I could've and would've fallen back to sleep had it only been the marriach music, but of course that couldn't be. The lady stopped banging, so I rolled over. I was almost asleep to the sound of mariachi when the banging resumed. Angry Bathrobe Lady was back. The stupid banging was more annoying than the damn music.

At 5:30am, (once again I was almost asleep) the police showed up. They banged on the door and for awhile the music stopped. I attempted to return to sleep. Soon after that the marriachi resumed.

At 5:55am, the police returned. It's quite the experience to watch (through a peep hole) police raid an apartment to the sounds of marriachi.

It is now 6:26am and I have given up on sleep. Guess I didn't need to worry about finding my alarm clock after all.

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