Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Nose

Roughly two years ago, my nose was broken by a friends elbow during a game of lap tag being held outside at night. Since then my nose has been a glutton for punishment (what's wrong with a cliche or two?).

Nine months after the original impact (no I didn't give birth), my nose was broken by the fist of a friend which was shoved into my face by another friend. Conveniently, this led to the straightening of my nose.

Since then a friend at an end of the school year party backed into me and cracked my nose again. (One of the things that bothers me about being short.) My nose just loves to take hits.

Today while riding my scooter (an old school foot powered one) to school to work on editing, I went of the curb and turned to quickly scraping the corner of my scooter on the ground and sending me face first into the asphalt. A mother and her hoard of four children (or maybe two children. I wasn't paying a lot of attention) asked me if I was alright. I replied that I was and continued on my way. As it turns out I scraped a little skin on my forehead, broke my nose again (now shifted more to the left), bent my glasses, scraped my knee, and got asphalt black all over my face.

It really didn't hurt that bad at the moment. That's probably a sign that I get hurt to much, but whatever. I walked into the school looking a bit like a crazy person. (Not that anybody noticed 'cause there were only a handful of people there.) It didn't even start to hurt all that much until I was sitting in the lab trying to sound mix. Which isn't easy to begin with, but it is miraculously hard to concentrate on when your nose feels like it stretching (yeah swelling).

I'm not sure if I've always gotten hit in the face this much or if my friends elbow planted some sort of homing device for objects to use (probably the first one).

Actually it's totally the first one. My freshman year my jaw got sprained playing kick ball (an elbow not a ball). My sophmore year another friend of mine managed to hit me in the face with every piece of equipment we used in gym class (not kidding basketballs were her specialty). So yeah, my face is totally just magnetic to objects. (Unless the kid who plowed me over freshman year planted the homing device). It probably has been since birth.

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