Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Brittany S. Pierce Is A Genius

Since I am one of those mythical creatures known as a giant geeky dorky nerd, I have recently fallen in love with the show Glee. It's an awesome show and most people who say otherwise haven't actually seen it. Anyways, one of the characters in the show is a blonde cheerleader who is so stupid her GPA might just be negative. (Something that is somehow actually possible. Seriously I've seen it.) I however think that Brittany S. Pierce is a genius.

1. She doesn't over think anything.

How many times have you been trying to figure out what to do and your mind won't stop talking? You think so much about everything you get nothing, but a headache and usually the wrong solution. I do it all the damn time and never get anywhere.

Brittany doesn't over think it. She just goes with what she feels is right and things work out brilliantly for her. Her life is so much less complicated than mine simply because she just goes with it. There's no second guessing, over thinking, or loathing (of self or others). She does know what's going on she just doesn't rip it into tiny little pieces like the rest of us do.

2. Her ridiculous answers do have a basis in logic.

When she answers a question, the answers are so unbelievably wrong the audience can't help but laugh and face palm. However her answers do make sense (at least to my slightly cracked mind).

In one episode Mr. Shuster asks, "Who can tell us what an anthem is?" She replies, "The bottom of an ants pants." I find that a genius answer. If you split "anthem" into two words you get, "ant hem" which would be the bottom of an ants pants. (I spent all of high school making puns. No way I could miss this one.)

Another example. A teacher asks, "What's the capital of Ohio?" Brittany replies, "O." And she is correct O is the capital of Ohio. She thinks differently than most people and that is awesome! I kind of wish my brain worked like that.

One more just because. Mr. Shuster says, "What's a duet?" Brittany says, "A blanket." Duet sounds pretty similar to "duvet." I can see someone making that mistake. People mix up words and their meanings all the time. I know I do. Something sounds similar and our brain waves cross and we get a wrong answer that made sense before it left our mouth.

You'll also note that Brittany answers really quickly without hesitation. She just says the first thing that pops into her head. With all the useless junk I have in my head, I would sound like such a dumbass if I did that. Chances are you would too.

3. She's slow, but not stupid.

Brittany usually takes a moment to catch up. She processes the information a bit slower than anyone else, but she does catch up and she does know what's going on.

Mr. Shuster: Take it away, Brittany.
Brittany: Take what away?

4. She gets people better than anybody I know.

Seriously she is a genius when it comes to people. She knows exactly what they are and loves them for it regardless. She's nonjudgemental no matter what.

Since she's not over thinking everything, like us people who think we're oh so smart, she always knows what people need to hear. She knows Kurt is awesome and should celebrate it as much as possible. She knows Santana shouldn't hide who she is because who she is is awesome and so on. She gets people and doesn't care.

5. She's braver than most people.

Throughout the series she is never afraid to say what's on her mind, do what she thinks is right, or do what makes her happy. She seriously is the poster child for guts.

She offers to go first when coming out with Santana. (Which is seriously one of the scariest damn things.) She tells people what she feels all the time and is always willing to show that she doesn't get it. There's none of that prestigious pretend laughter when you don't get something that all us smart people do to avoid looking dumb.

Say what you want, but Brittany gets it. She really does. She sees the world completely differently from everyone around her and that makes for some damn entertaining statements, but Brittany, my friends, is a genius. If the Glee characters weren't fictitious, Brittany would be the one of them that would be happy for the rest of her life no matter what.


  1. She is my favorite character, or the only one I like anymore. I stopped watching because it was getting to contrived and forced for me to enjoy it anymore. She's the only one who ever has anything interesting to say.

  2. Omg I thought the same thing about Brittany when she miss interprets words, I find similar words to what she missed such as "What's a Ballard?" "A male duck." which she obviously meant Mallard.She's my favorite character but I don't watch it anymore :/

  3. misinterprets* and other times she's just hilarious like "I wore a tanktop to school because I thought it was summer and nobody taught me how to read a calendar." and just agree 100% because she's brilliant and gorgeous :3
