Monday, January 27, 2014

Books: An Addiction

As I have no doubt mention I love books. I should since for most of my life my mother was a librarian. I love books such an ungodly amount it actually becomes a bit of a problem. My name is Sarah and I am a book addict.

All of you people are thinking how can someone be addicted to books and how can that be a bad thing? Well, I'm going to tell you.

I have an undeniable love of libraries. I spent a lot of my childhood in them and no one can deny that they are cool places. That being said they let you check out an ungodly amount of books at one time. I live a mile and a half from the nearest library and I always walk there. Everytime I go I say to myself, "I'm only going to check out one book I don't need a backpack." Then an hour later I have books stacked up to my chin as I walk home trying not to drop them while getting strange looks from all the kids that are just getting home from school. Remember the scene in Cinderella where the mouse is trying to take all the corn, that is pretty much me. I just don't have the cat trying to eat me.

I actually suffer from this delusion that I will read all these books before they are due in three weeks. So, I pick one up and start reading them. Before I know it, I have started every single one of these books and finished none. So then I get an email that the three weeks are up and do the inevitable, renew them online. Three weeks after that point, I have finished probably one book and have cast a aside a couple others because they actually weren't that interesting, but I still have a couple more that I need to read so, I go ahead and renew them online again.

This happens not because I'm a slow reader, but more or less because I get distracted really easy. It doesn't work to read ten books in nine weeks when there are so many things to do. I have school stuff, then there are the movies that people have suggested along with the shows, and one was really good, so I have to binge watch all nine seasons on Netflix, then before I know it nine weeks are up and I have to return the books to the library because I've "Exceeded my renewal limit". It gets absolutely ridiculous quickly and somehow I always tell myself I'll just check it out again later when I have more time. But then, I come home again with more books. It's a never ending cycle.

One top of that, bookstores are libraries only with books you keep. Used bookstores especially. $5 or 99¢ books and I will come home with all sorts of things. They are usually ones that I've read, love a shit ton, and would like to reread. Plus I'll be able to lend it to my friends so that they don't have an excuse like, "I can't find a copy" as to why they haven't read it and totally don't understand my giraffe reference (for the people who have read Un Lun Dun). It's a win win. That is until I catch them dog-earing a book. Then they may not just loose a finger, but will also receive a free lecture and banishment from ever borrowing books again. (Only one of my friends has ever had the balls to do this in front of me. She may or may not be convinced I'm psychotic.)

I also always ask for books for Christmas and birthdays. This Christmas alone pushed my bookcases to a level of needing another. When I first moved out I bought a book case and filled it über quickly, so I bought another. I now have two book cases and well they're starting to over flow. In no time I'm going to end up having an entire wall stacked with books to the ceiling like Chuck in Pushing Daisies. On top of that, I'm also always going to have a huge stack of library books next to my bed that I am currently, "reading." I have no doubt that one day my books will reach a dangerous level of stacking and my cat will trying to sit atop them sending them all tumbling over and resulting in my death. (I may be being a bit dramatic.) I shoud probably just get an eReader.

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