Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Perfect Ending

Last year during a  game of lap tag being played in the dark, my friend Ashley elbowed me in the face and broke my nose. Which caused me to spend a couple hours in the emergency room and made it so I will never forget my seventeenth birthday party. This year I managed to top that.

Yesterday, I had my eighteenth birthday party and several of my friends stayed the night. This morning I needed to give a couple of my friends rides home and managed to do so without a single incident. On my way home I was enjoying myself, listening to the Grateful Dead and of course singing. When I turned onto the road that leads to my house I saw a patch of road that was really washed out because of all the rain we've been having. I slowed down to roughly 20mph, but apparently that wasn't slow enough. I hit the washed out area my tires caught on some gravel and I lost control of the car.

It was a moment of "SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT!" going through my head. The car went into the ditch, crashed into the embankment and for a millisecond I though it was over. Then the car started to tip to the left leading to more "SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT!" and before I new it I was hanging upside down and had the majority of my Peace Tea dripping down my face while the Grateful Dead continued to play.

Thanks to the wonderful power of adrenaline, I was able to free my left arm from the seat belt and support my body weight on it while I freed myself from the seat belt. Once firmly on the ceiling I opened the car door and stepped out now verbalizing "SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT!" I managed to crash in a place where there are three houses only a few feet away, but not a single person was home in either one of them. If I hadn't been able to free myself, I would have been hanging there for a long ass time. I then managed to run the quarter mile uphill to my house and got my parents.

As of right now, I am quite sore, but I can't tell what is from running a quarter mile, what is from the actual crash, and what is from rock climbing yesterday. The only injury I am certain where it came from is the bruise on my shin that is from me colliding with the corner of the stage during play practice on Friday.

As a final consensus, I think next year I'm not going to have a party because quite frankly I don't want to top this years.

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