Tuesday, November 1, 2011


On any given day I am perfectly content to blend into the background and do my own thing. I appreciate being left alone, but when I happen to be wearing anything other than normal clothing I don't overly mind it if you say something.

Every year there is spirit week at school and I never dress up, but this year being my senior I decided I'd do something amazing to make up for my complete and other lack of spirit the past three. This year for class clash day I dressed up as the She-hulk. Not some crappy off the rack costume with green sleeves. I freaking painted my self green as well as dye my hair green. Now I did receive quite a few comments on this including one girl who screamed and ran away, but not a single person took a photo for year book. Hell I didn't even end up in the spirit video and when it came time to hand out awards for spirit my name wasn't even on the runner-up list. Apparently I manage to remain mostly invisible even when I look more BA than the Wicked Witch of the West.

Yesterday being Halloween I wore my costume to school (or course). Me and my friends, Caitlin, dressed up as Jesse and James (Team Rocket) from Pokemon. Our costumes were absolutely BA. They were homemade and so much attention detail was put into them that we even made sure to get the slit on their jackets absolutely perfect. Heck we even memorized the entire Team Rocket intro as well as the Pokemon theme song. We actually got a lot of comments on them yet still somehow only our close friends took any pictures.

At the end of the school year when the year books come out. Everyone will sit there and remember how awesome it was that someone painted their self green or the two chicks that dressed up as Team Rocket, but there won't be a single picture of either in there. Instead it will be filled with half a dozen photos of all the popular kids dressed as smurfs. Honestly people take photos all the time of useless things and they even have cameras on their phone, but apparently me making your day (as many people stated) doesn't warrant the taking of a photograph.

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