Wednesday, November 2, 2011


No matter who you are or what you do at some point in your life you were brainwashed.You are taught how to properly act and react to almost any given situation. You aren't born with a full knowledge of what is socially acceptable. You learn that from the shows you watch as a small child. Either that or by getting yelled at when you do something your not supposed to.

Let's start with cartoons. Everything you watch is imposed with some sort of hidden meaning. (And no I'm not talking about the hidden messages people see in Disney.) By watching cartoons and their reality bending power you learn all sorts of things. Let's start with a movie most everyone has seen at one point or another, Disney's Beauty and the Beast. By watching this one simple movie we learn all sort of things.

1. If there is a short chubby guy that isn't all that bright he will follow around the main villain.

2. The most hansom guy in the town (in fact the only one) will only be interested in the one girl he can't have.

3. Once a woman gets married she becomes plump (or maybe it's just if you're over twenty-five)

4. The dark creepy looking path obviously leads to something bad.

5. You shouldn't like someone just because all the other girls do.

6. The most beautiful guy is conceited.

7. The most beautiful girl is humble.

8. The guy every chick likes has biceps bigger than his head.

9. Inventors have mustaches. (You can blame Einstein for this one)

10. Men are angry and irrational.

11. The flirty guy and the maid will have french accents (no one else will even if you're in France)

12. Beer will make a fire flare up even though it's mostly water.

13. A person who runs an insane asylum will look creepy.

14. Don't judge based on how people look (but always look your best).

15. Don't just say yes to the first guy that asks you to marry him just because everyone else says you should.

A lot of things that pop into your head at first when someone says something are something related to the shows you watched as a kid. If you grew up in my generation, you learned that the girl who always picks on a certain guy probably likes him by watching Hey Arnold. There's also a good chance that if you've ever seen Lady and the Tramp you thought all Siamese cats were evil. Thank God that the more modern Disney movies have the princess go out and find her prince unlike the old ones like Sleeping Beauty and Snow White where he just sort of shows up and saves the day with a kiss. Trust me I love my Disney movies and can sing along with more than one of them, but when you look closely at them you can see a lot of ridiculous piled up in them.

Next time someone mentions something and you automatically have picture in your head just look back to why you picture that specific thing. Chances are it has something that has do with your childhood.

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