Friday, August 10, 2012

Fly Swatting

You're laying there reading when a fly lands on your arm. Your eyes slowly move from the book and you stare the fly down. You move your other arm slowly and then BAM!!! You strike and miss. The fly casually flies aways and lands on a table.

You now satisfied return to your book. Then the fly returns with a friend. This can only be taken as an act of fly terrorism. You decide that it's time for war and get the fly swatter. You are determined to recapture your reading area.

With a determined look about your face you lay out your attack. SWAP! SWAP! SWAP! You've taken out one of your enemies. You scowl as you look around the room for other attackers. You know he's there, but can't locate him. You stand still in anticipation. The intense look on your face keeps him at bay. Then he goes in for a final attack. You raise your swatter. SWAP! The enemy has been defeated.

Triumphant, you return to your book. Your enjoying your journey through the world of the book, when you here that ominous buzzing sound. You slowly move your eyes from the book and frantically look about for signs of the next attack.

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