Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Radio

For the past week, I've been at my family's ranch in Wyoming. There isn't a tv, so we watch cows, rabbits, frogs, and the occasional deer run about (or in my dad's case, watch the house we're building) while we listen to the radio.

We get two radio stations. One is an oldies station (this is the station I like) and the other is a from our nearest town and plays country, news, tradio, and Fox News (no Fox News doesn't qualify under the news category). Since my dad's in charge we mostly listen to the latter.

I must admit, I'm not the biggest fan of country. A lot of it sucks in my opinion (mostly the new stuff), but there are good songs every once in awhile (let me plug my ears for a minute while I listen to the arguments  of friends). These good songs are unfortunately not the most popular or they're old, so I don't hear them much. I have, however, heard a lot of others. I have heard the annoying and repetative ones which, like most modern music, happen to be about how hot someone is and how much they want in their pants. I've heard the sad songs which to me sound like listening to a little kid whine. (I'm sorry she took your truck. Go talk to her mommy and get it back.) And while I'm not sure, I think I might if heard a song about hunting down Santa Claus.

I have gotten to listen to the oldies some (mostly by convincing my dad that it's the only station we get in the truck). After hearing the same bad song enough times you can sing it, you have to change the channel. Or turn off the radio and listen to the wind (which blows strong enough to make the dogs ears flap).

On my dad's prefered radio station, they have this thing called tradio. It's about an hour of people calling in and listing off this they want to get rid of and who to contact if you want it. Some of the crap people think other people might want is astounding. I promise you that no one want's your pea soup colored recliners that you've had for decades.

The most annoying thing about my dad's radio station by far is the fact that he doesn't turn it off at night. I'll fall asleep listening to a bearable country song. Then at 11:00pm, I'll wake up to some ass hole bitching about gun control discussions, Obama, and my personal favorite (which is what I heard last night) him bitching about how some fisherman decided to return a 90 year old lobster to the sea rather than eat it. He kept on talking about how it was going to die anyways. (How is this worth debating anyways?) Then cited a video on youtube of an animal activist group releasing an otter into the ocean where it instantly got eaten by a killer whale. What the hell does that have to do with the lobster? Yes the people who released the otter were stupid (otters don't live in the ocean), but that has nothing to do with the freaking lobster. And I'm sorry, but not every liberal actually cared about the lobster, nor are they part of an animal activist group.

While I have quite the dislike for Fox News, I can usually just ignore it. But when I'm asleep in a one room building and I get woken up to a dude bitching because someone released a lobster, I will not be corgial. Fox News, could you tell me why the lobster was important enough to be bitched about for ten minutes or at least bitch about something worth discussing? I don't know. Maybe something like gun control or at least Obama. Those are actually relevant to everyday life, unlike your freaking lobster.

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