Thursday, August 16, 2012


If a person accidentally messes something of mine up, I may not be happy, but I won't be pissed off at you (the exception may be artwork). If someone messes up my organizational system, (I don't care if it's accidental or not) you better start running. If I bother to organize something, I try to keep it that way and you will die a likely violent death for messing with it.

While I get the rep for being a slob, I'm not really that much of one. I do clean stuff up (regardless of what my mother thinks). I just don't put something away if I'm still using it or if I don't have a place to put it. Once I organize something, I keep it organized. Even the piles of junk that fill my floor on occasion, are organized to some degree. I can find anything I need, at any given time.

That being said, if you come along and mess with or borrow my stuff, I expect you to put it back exactly how you found it. I organize my DVDs and CDs alphabetically for a reason. V for Vendetta does not belong next to Jimmy Neutron. It's the alphabet. You went to kindergarten. I also have a very nice organizational system for my clothes. I have mastered a way to fold them so that the take up less space and have them organized so I can find what I want.

I've been packing up all my stuff getting ready to move. While I was in Wyoming, my younger sister helped pack up some of my stuff. I appreciate the help, but I can't help but see how to pack things better. She packed all my clothes in my trunk and for a few days I managed to avoid looking in it. Today I caved (mostly because I needed pants), refolded and organized the entire trunk. I spent a couple hours doing this. (Yeah, I know. I'm crazy.) But now my clothes are organized and folded so nicely that I have created extra space in the previously completely crammed trunk (using more clothes than were originally in there).

Even though you wouldn't guess it by looking at me or even talking to me, I am ridiculously picky when it comes to how my stuff is organized. If I can't find something of mine it, drives me insane (it drives a lot of people insane, but they never fix the problem). If you ask to borrow something, I can tell you exactly where it is. If you don't ask to borrow something and just take it anyways, I will find that it's missing. Even if you put it back without me having known you've taken it, I will still know (yeah, I'm that anal).

The bottom line is don't mess with my crap without asking and if you do, learn how to put it back. I'm a bit OCD. Disorganized things won't keep me up at night, but they will piss me off.

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