Monday, September 17, 2012

Anime Conventions

Nerds are a little bit crazy when it comes to being nerdy. I went to an anime convention with some friends over the weekend. It was awesome, but people are a bit insane. I salute everyone who cosplays. There was all sorts of badassery going on.

Some people did costumes that aren't accurate, but close enough. Then there are people who are accurate down to the last detail. You make their day everytime you ask for a picture, but some go crazy if you ask who they are. One lady drew fangs at my friend because she couldn't figure out what pokemon she was. Nerds are insane!

While waiting inline for something there was a guy behind us who was telling someone that people just come to these conventions because they think it's fun! What other reason is there to go to these conventions? (Not counting press coverage or vending.)

The scariest of nerds from least to most:

10. A Convention Filled With Anti-Social Nerds
When a group of about seven thousand people, who generally are socially awkward, accumulate in the same place, it's incredibly weird. They usually come with friends and stand with them and talk. They'll get really excited when they see someone cosplaying as their favorite character. Then spend several minutes arguing over who's going to go up and ask them for a picture. Everyone stays in their groups and doesn't talk outside of them. They are usually very nice, but can't quite grasp the idea of interaction. (Tip: When they say weird things like, "I'd take a picture if I could." Or they ask you to marry them don't get weirded out.)

9. Convention Junkies
These are the people who plan out where the need to be months in advance. They've got a schedule programmed into their brain of where they need to be and what they need to do programmed into their brain. They want to do everything and then get disapointed when the thing they wanted to go to was full. If you have one in your group be prepared for the demanding and moping (possibly bitch slapping if they get too annoying). The scariest ones are the groups of these. They send a person to scout out the line for the next event and save a spot while they go to another event. They then allow the scout to live vicariously through them. Another then becomes the next scout and goes to another line while they do this event. (Tip: Don't snipe their plans if you want them to remain congenial.)

8. Serious Nerds
These are the people that insist that they know everything about a certain subject. They will lecture for hours if you get even a minor fact wrong. And if you argue with them be prepaired to have your soul figuratively ripped out using something that doesn't exist. (Tip: Don't prove them wrong, no matter how wrong they are. They'll never admit that you were right.)

7. Casual Cosplayers
These are the people who make their own costumes while paying a minimal amount to detail. Even if their costume looks nothing like the character they are trying to be, they will blow up at you if you can't figure out who they are. (Tip: No matter what, don't make assumptions about who they're supposed to be if you're not sure.)

6. D&D Players
Not all are scarey, but after too long of spending their hours playing Dungeons & Dragons and not getting layed, they tend to do things like rape your character to death. (Tip: Don't be the only girl playing with them. Or really any girl for that matter.)

5. Casual Fan Fiction Writers
Similar to yaoi fan fiction writers, but not insisting that their story was intended to be cannon or even that it should. They're still a little bit crazy in the fact that they will spend ours trying to figure out how a specific scenario could happen. Also, many of their story lines border on porn. This is how the Fifty Shades of Grey series came about. (Tip: Don't ask them their opinion on the ending of anything.)

4. Twihards
These people are so obssessed with Twilight that they will stand in line for hours screaming, just to be the first to see a movie (other groups of fans do the line thing, but they are usually quiet and anti-social). For some reason these people want an abusive relationship involving a sparkly vampire. (Tip: Always bring earplugs when near them.)

3. Reenactors
Not only are they cosplayers and LARPers, but they'll never admit it and they have actual functioning weapons (no matter how outdated). They will go off on hour long lectures about the color of a person's sleave in a certain movie was the improper color for his rank. (Tip: Don't ask questions.)

2. First Generation Pokemon Obsessed Nerds
These people will take you out if you don't remember that their favorite pokemon was actually in the first ever episode. (Tip: Don't even mention the new pokemon generations.)

1. Yaoi Fan Fiction Writers
Instead of just enjoying the story the artist created, they have to create imaginary stories about the guys dating the guys. They also refuse to believe that the artists who actually created the characters intended for them to be straight. (Tip: Don't attempt to argue. Even if you win, they will insist that Naruto was intended to be gay.)

After spending an entire weekend in confined quarters with people of all colors (Litterally all colors. I'm talking rainbows.), your brain gets close to exploding. When normally your friend with pink hair would be easy to find, at an anime convention it's like trying to find a lesbian buying condomns.

When you go to a nerd rave it's pretty crazy. It's just as bright as a normal rave, but people are throwing glow in the dark Hello Kittys around, they're not on ecstacy, and you will likely get smacked I the face by wings and duel disks. (Note: They all know how to Gangnam Style.)

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