Monday, October 29, 2012

Pulled Over

Over the weekend, I traveled home to the middle of nowhere. I saw some friends, hung out with my little sister, and discovered the one thing I missed about Teller County. (Not counting friends and family.)

While, where I live now I here sirens often it's usually for a good reason. Especially if two cops are pulling over one vehicle. In Teller County, that's not necessarily the case.

I was hanging out with a pal of mine and we were driving over to the high school for the haunted house. We pulled into the parking lot and a cop pulled us over. Then another cop drove up behind him. The cop came up to the window and started his speach. "I'm officer blah blah blah from Teller County Police Department. I'm pulling you over because (pause) you have a tail light out." I spent this entire time in the passenger seat trying not to lauhg.

I get the being pulled over for a tail light, but two cops for one tail light? Come on. It's because there's nothing much going on in Teller. They're bored. Nothing that interesting happens, so flashing lights of any sort is exciting. Doesn't matter if it's a tail light, speeding, etc.

Once the cop was done we pulled forward ten feet into a parking space. When we entered the school two guys we went to high school with had seen us get pulled over and were already laughing about it.

I really have missed the hillarity of two cops for a tail light. As well as the fact that people already know about it before you're even done laughing at it yourself.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


So, once again I have water pouring from my ceiling. I'm starting to get used to it by now. This is the second time this week and the third time since I moved in. It's starting to loose it's excitement.

Tomorrow, the maitenance crew will come and tear out my ceiling in hopes that it will actually fix the problem this time. Really all I can do is sit chill put a bucket under the water and wait for morning.

Honestly it'd be nice to remain dry. I'm starting to develop a hatred of water in any form other than to drinking. I got soaked yesterday on my walk home in a snow storm, it rained in my bathroom before that.
I'm starting to develop an automatic response to the sounds of running water. It barely even started pouring before I heard it, lept up, put a bucket under it, and called maitenance.

Monday, October 22, 2012


At a  ratio of one bathroom rainstorm per month, college life has yet to be dull. Seriously, how the heck does the universe manage? Aren't there other college kids with bathrooms that can be flooded? Oh well, that's life. Well, at least mine.

A little over a month ago, the day before my nineteen birthday, it rained in my bathroom. (See Water) Today, I came home from classes and it had done the same. I just wasn't here for this one. I came in at the end when my floor had already been mopped with dirty bath water.

I really do have impeccable luck. With my breaking my nose yesterday (see My Nose) and it raining in my bathroom today, it's like I've got the kid's coin from Luck of the irish. (The fake one he get's when the gold one is stolen.) While I think that I have good luck, the universe has been trying to diprove that theory for years. It has yet succeed, but might just do so if it keeps it up.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Nose

Roughly two years ago, my nose was broken by a friends elbow during a game of lap tag being held outside at night. Since then my nose has been a glutton for punishment (what's wrong with a cliche or two?).

Nine months after the original impact (no I didn't give birth), my nose was broken by the fist of a friend which was shoved into my face by another friend. Conveniently, this led to the straightening of my nose.

Since then a friend at an end of the school year party backed into me and cracked my nose again. (One of the things that bothers me about being short.) My nose just loves to take hits.

Today while riding my scooter (an old school foot powered one) to school to work on editing, I went of the curb and turned to quickly scraping the corner of my scooter on the ground and sending me face first into the asphalt. A mother and her hoard of four children (or maybe two children. I wasn't paying a lot of attention) asked me if I was alright. I replied that I was and continued on my way. As it turns out I scraped a little skin on my forehead, broke my nose again (now shifted more to the left), bent my glasses, scraped my knee, and got asphalt black all over my face.

It really didn't hurt that bad at the moment. That's probably a sign that I get hurt to much, but whatever. I walked into the school looking a bit like a crazy person. (Not that anybody noticed 'cause there were only a handful of people there.) It didn't even start to hurt all that much until I was sitting in the lab trying to sound mix. Which isn't easy to begin with, but it is miraculously hard to concentrate on when your nose feels like it stretching (yeah swelling).

I'm not sure if I've always gotten hit in the face this much or if my friends elbow planted some sort of homing device for objects to use (probably the first one).

Actually it's totally the first one. My freshman year my jaw got sprained playing kick ball (an elbow not a ball). My sophmore year another friend of mine managed to hit me in the face with every piece of equipment we used in gym class (not kidding basketballs were her specialty). So yeah, my face is totally just magnetic to objects. (Unless the kid who plowed me over freshman year planted the homing device). It probably has been since birth.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Ever had one of those wars with someone where they ask you to do something, but you won't? There's really no reason why you can't do what they ask or they can't do what you ask. You just don't want the satisfaction of them winning. I have one of these wars going on with my cat.

I am the only person on the planet who can out stubborn my cat. I give her some canned food twice a day in order to give her her medicine. She of course thinks she needs it more than that. She has dry food everyday all day long, but won't eat it if I'm around. She refuses to give me the satisfaction of her eating her food. I refuse to give her extra canned food. She only eats it if I'm asleep or not home.

Like these things often do, the war has esculated. My cat has taken serious action. When I am asleep and wake up just enough to roll over and reposistion myself my cat is one me. I roll over, get comfortable, am almost asleep, then BAM! She's in there. She starts nibbling on my elbows. She bites them just enough that it hurts, but doesn't leave marks. The next wave of warfare has begun.

I have tried shutting my door. It doesn't latch properly so she body slams it until it opens. I've tried petting her when she lays down next to me to launch her attack. Her attack just includes my hands and the rest of my arms. The only solution I've discovered is blanket reconesence. If I cover all available skin with a blanket or clothing she can't bite it.

This more dificult than you'd think. My apartment gets horribly hot most of the time. Coverin my self entirely with a blanket is farely torturous. I have two options roast or be bitten. Getting up and feeding the cat canned food is not an option. I can and will continue to out stubborn my cat.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Mary Sunshine

My mother has recited the following poem to me so many times, it'd be like trying to count how many times in my life I've sneezed.

Good morning, Mary Sunshine
How did you wake so soon?
You woke up all the little birds
And scared a way the moon.

It is usually recited when one doesn't get out of bed until like noon. In my production class I created this short film. It is inspired by true events. (Not necessarily for me, but for really the the population of people who just don't like getting up.)

Anything Helps

I, recently in my production class, finished a couple of shorts. The first one we did for the class was a script that was given to us. I personally don't like the story behind it. (Here's the video if you care to watch.)

While I think visually it turned out well, I just don't like the story. I feel like enough people are ignorant enough about homelessness that movies like these don't help. (See Homelessness) People already supect that this is what goes on when you give a homeless person money. I'm sure that it's happened, but I doubt that it happens that often. People have a hard enough time asking strangers where the bathroom is yet alone for money.