Monday, October 29, 2012

Pulled Over

Over the weekend, I traveled home to the middle of nowhere. I saw some friends, hung out with my little sister, and discovered the one thing I missed about Teller County. (Not counting friends and family.)

While, where I live now I here sirens often it's usually for a good reason. Especially if two cops are pulling over one vehicle. In Teller County, that's not necessarily the case.

I was hanging out with a pal of mine and we were driving over to the high school for the haunted house. We pulled into the parking lot and a cop pulled us over. Then another cop drove up behind him. The cop came up to the window and started his speach. "I'm officer blah blah blah from Teller County Police Department. I'm pulling you over because (pause) you have a tail light out." I spent this entire time in the passenger seat trying not to lauhg.

I get the being pulled over for a tail light, but two cops for one tail light? Come on. It's because there's nothing much going on in Teller. They're bored. Nothing that interesting happens, so flashing lights of any sort is exciting. Doesn't matter if it's a tail light, speeding, etc.

Once the cop was done we pulled forward ten feet into a parking space. When we entered the school two guys we went to high school with had seen us get pulled over and were already laughing about it.

I really have missed the hillarity of two cops for a tail light. As well as the fact that people already know about it before you're even done laughing at it yourself.

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