Thursday, August 11, 2011


Fifty bucks says that purgatory is just one massive DMV. You just sit there and wait for your chance to prove that you can go somewhere.

Today I spent two hours in purgatory in order to get my license. Despite waiting, I learned a couple somewhat interesting and random facts.

1. Gold fish have 96 chromosomes.

2. Never read Jaws before traveling to the ocean.

3. Human plasma is yellow.

4. Tornadoes are most likely to occur from 5-6pm.

5. Tornadoes are least likely to occur from 4-5am.

6. Mello Yellow (the soda) says on the bottle "Doesn't Contain Juice" when in the ingredients it has orange juice concentrate as the third ingredient.

7. My dad can find a fellow history buff to talk to anywhere.

8. If you have to catch a flight, but you have to pee, hold it.

9. Ex hippies always have something interesting to say.

I learned part of this from a lady that sat next to me, part from the marquee they have filled with trivia questions and statements trying to convince you to be an organ donor, part from being bored and reading the ingredients on my soda, and part from just sitting next to my dad.

After all this, I was then called for my driving test. I passed and am now a licensed driver in the state of Colorado.

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