Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Useless Facts

Everyone knows at least one useless fact that will most likely never benefit them in anyways, but they still enjoy saying it whenever they get a chance. It is people who happen to know way to many of these these things that end up on game shows and win tons of cash. I know my fair share of pointless facts, but they tend to be all centralized. If I were to end up on a game show most of the questions would have to be about comic books or cartoons otherwise I'd go home having completely wasted my time.

Most all the random facts i know will never come up in normal conversations and some of them are just random facts made up by me and my friends. Some of which are:
1. Singing makes you teleport.
2. ABS! doesn't exist on certain dimensional planes.
3.Super Jack The Ripper and Castration Superman are the worlds two most ruthless supervillians.
4. There is always a cape that is appropriate for your purposes.
5. All French teachers have signed a secret decree to be oblivious to what goes on in their class.
6. How to properly grade a baby.
7. How to blow someone up from the inside using gun powder and matches.
8.Only people who actually use their locker will get one that everyone stands in front of to make out.
9. A cramp in your toe can keep you from doing many things, including going to Hell.

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