Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Computer

I have a fantastic computer. Well at least I think so. No one else agrees. My sophomore year, my guy friend built me a computer. When I first got it, it ran perfectly. Faster than most other computers. Now, after having it for a couple of years it is no longer as awesome as it was at first. However now it has decided to do random things.

1. It's possessed by the careers of 80's pop stars. It will at random intervals start playing 80's music from no discernible source. The only way I can make it stop, is if I turn off my speakers. While I like 80's music as much as the next person, by the time you've heard Take Me On play repetitively for twenty minutes you want to shoot your ears off.
There is one exception to the theory that it's possessed by the careers of 80's pop stars. It once decide to play the sound of a 1960's documentary called The Homosexuals.

2. It despises my family. Anytime that my younger sister touches or even enters the room where my computer is, it freezes. It also freezes whenever anyone else touches it. This would be why everyone hates my computer. It works perfectly fine for me though.

3. The screen randomly changes color. Every once in awhile, my computer will decide that normal colors should not be used and will change to a blue or green tint for about a week. This is maddening if you are attempting to do anything where you need to actually see colors i.e. looking at a map.

4. The browser I have open will randomly disappear. It will just blink out of sight in the middle of something, then in about twenty minutes, it will reappear.

5. When I turn it on, I have to wait about ten minutes for it to warm up. That is if I want to actually get something done. Once it's warmed up, it runs at a normal speed, but up 'till then it will take forever to do anything.

6. While listening to music, if the song changes at the same time I click on something, it will freeze for about a minute. Timing is key if I want to get something done and enjoy my fantastic music collection of over 3000 songs.

While my computer has many issues, it usually works fine. It just decides at random times to do random things. I can usually avoid freezes, but the other issues seem completely random to me. I have yet to figure out their system. I wouldn't even put it past my friend to have programmed these things in (especially the 80's music). It is very much something he would do. While he won't admit it, I quite convinced that at least part of it was intentional.

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