Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black Friday

Everyone knows Black Friday as the day when people voluntarily fight to the death over crap they don't need because it's cheep. People often have horror stories how they had to fight someone off their x-box or how somebody got trampled. Usually they are fine however and they got their cheep crap. Yesterday was black Friday and boy was it interesting.

My family and I walked arround Old Town in Fort Collins for a bit. We only went into a book store and a restaraunt so it wasn't that intense. We then headed home.

My mom drove me to my apartment where we dropped my younger sister so she could nap while my mother took me to get groceries. Now buying groceries is a very simple task. Well most days at least.

Right as we were driving our cart to check out we passed a family who looked terrified and told us to not go that way. There was then some angry yelling and I saw a guy in a black leather jacket and black pants booking it out the front door.

My mom and me ducked behind an aisle then made a break for the backdoor. We waited out behind the door until police shuffled us off to McDonald's where waited and filled out a police report.

We went into the store at 6ish and finally got to leave McDonald's at 8ish. Since I needed toilet paper and cat food  we then went over to King Soopers to get the stuff I needed.

It is of course just my luck that I happened to go to the one store where some dude tried to rob the pharmacy. But no one was hurt, so it's all good. Nerve racking yes, but who cares if everyone's okay.

I, McClellan, solemly vow that I will never go shopping on Black Friday ever again. No matter how bad I need toilet paper and cat food.

Here's the news report if you care to read it.

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