Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Oh No! More Election Talk!

Today signals my first presidential election as a voter. It's pretty cool being able to vote. It's even cooler to realize that the swarm of people who have been bombarding my apartment door asking about who I'm voting for will no longer be waking me up or making me late. And I will no longer have my mailbox packed full of political ads. (Just regular old other ads.)

No matter who you voted for you've got to be glad that we will now be seeing commercials for beef jerkey and burgers again rather than just "Romney/Obama is the devil" ads. If that alone isn't a reason to be thankful what is? Although now we get a wonderful amount of time where everyone bitches about the elected.

Facebook alone counts for many of the stupid comments. I have already seen posts that say, "You happy Obama won? I will defriend you." (Defriending the ultimate punishment for being a liberal. Aparently.) And "I guess all the Obama supporters will partying all night seeing as they don't have a job to go to in the morning." (Both of those were posted by the same guy.) One last gem: "I hate stupid people. If you voted for Obama you must need his hand outs. Well maybe yiu should get off ur lazy ass and get a job. Grrrrr x-(" (It's becoming increasingly difficult to remember why I'm friends with this person in the first place. Also alls those typos are from the actual post.)

By all means, respect their political opinions, but if they're not going to respect yours then screw them. Life's to short to argue with idiots (especially online).

During the whole campain process everyone had something along the lines of "I'm moving to Canada if (insert canidates name here) wins." Of course very few people actually meen it. As I have been informed many times by my parents (usually when I mention moving to Canada) "They have more gun control there." Well that rules out most of my home town moving away. (Drat!) A simple fact of all election results very few people, if any, are moving to Canada and America will NOT be detroyed. (We survived Nixon didn't we?)

As of right now, I'm just glad I'm no longer living at home. Last time Obama was elected, my dad bought chickens and cows. I'm not quite sure what he'll buy this time. (Pigs? Geese? Goats? Ducks? Sheep?)

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