Saturday, November 17, 2012

Giving Up

There's a statement that is constantly circulating and people always reference. That statement is "never give up." While by all means it's a good statement, I thoroughly believe in the power of giving up.

There becomes a point when no matter how hard you try you are not going to win or if you do it was hardly worth the effort. Certain tasks are just not designed for your winning. (Like slots for example.)

I don't care how many times you try. Winning isn't even an option in some cases. The saddest part about these is that you're fully aware of the fact you can't win when you start and remain dumbly optomistic.

My family used to have a dvd player that straight up decided it was retired. It would only accept disks to play at random or after you put them in several times. I once put a disk in 30+ times before it would play. This was by no means a successful victory. Sure, I out stubborned the hunk of plastic, but by the time I did I was no longer that interested in watching what I was going to. I should have just given up and read a book. (I was the only one in my family who could get it to work because I was the only one stubborn enough to try.)

My grandpa (on my mom's side) once told me that it was the guys who kept asking who would win the girl. I had to strongly disagree. There are many cases that no matter how many times you ask and no matter how creatively you do so, you will not get a yes.

In regards to any person you ask out do so only three times. Keeping asking won't get you anywhere. You might have a chance later on, but let them ask you after that. You just seem creepy if you keep asking.

A friend of mine had a crush on a girl. He's nice guy by all means, but doesn't obey the above statement. This particular girl was questioned so much by my friend that she straight up admitted to him she was a lesbian. Instead of giving up like any normal fellow would he kept asking. Even if the statement was just an excuse to get him to leave her alone, that's a pretty big sign she's not interested. Once the lesbian card is played, there is no hope so back off. Saddly I'm pretty sure he still thinks he might someday have a chance.

By all means a person should follow their dreams and not give up on an idea in general. In the above examples: One should not give up on the idea of having a working dvd player, but should give up on that particular dvd player and buy a new one. One shouldn't give up on the idea of love, but should give up on dating those particular people. Give up on details, just don't give up on ideas. Requiring to many specifics will always screw you.

(More on this can be read here.)

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