Monday, June 4, 2012


Nervousness is what happens when awkwardness falls into a tub or nuclear waste and is transformed into a giant Japanese monster type beast. There are two types of nervousness and both are as equally fatal. The first and most common form is Loud Nervous. The second form is Quiet Nervous.

Loud Nervous is when a person says and does anything and everything that pops into their head. Basically they make an ass out of themselves. They become a more visible target for ridicule (or, in the case of some of my guy friends, facial slaps).

Quiet Nervous doesn't make a person look like an ass. Instead, they look more like a deer in the headlights. They don't say or do anything that pops into their head, no matter how brilliant the thought was. They become a less visible target, but manage to stay directly in the path of the any approaching trolls. I personally tend to be this type of nervous. I think of something that is actually quite brilliant to do, but can't quite bring myself to do so. I can actively participate in a conversation already in progress, but I can't change the course of the conversation. Nor can I start an entirely new conversation. It's not 'til later that I realize I could have said/done that and been completely successful.

An After Note:
There are people out there that always appear as if they suffer from Loud Nervousness. They're either always nervous or just loud and obnoxious. The naturally loud and obnoxious will leave your ears ringing for a couple of hours on the occasions when they actually become nervous. I yet to meet a naturally loud and obnoxious person who upon becoming nervous becomes quiet.

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