Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Cloaking Device

I have this magical ability to go completely unnoticed. Sometimes it's really nice and other times it's slightly annoying, but overall it's kind of amazing.

During spirit week last semester, I painted myself entirely green. I had green hair, a green face, and a green body for a good fifteen hours. I got a few weird looks and smart ass comments from some friends, but people didn't really notice me that much. Somehow out of the fifteen hours of being green no one took a picture. The thing that makes me laugh is that this semester two guys did the same thing (not even to an as awesome of an extent) and they were mentioned in the school newspaper (which consists of three issues a school year). That's an example of when I find my magical cloaking device annoying.

I absolutely love my cloaking device when it comes to my family. As I've mentioned previously, my family is extremely nosy. Being nosy they like to comment on all sorts of things that aren't their business. A couple weeks ago, I took a trip to Iowa with my family. When we were driving through Kansas there was one area with all these religious signs. my older sister posted a comment on facebook that read, "Kansas. I get you are religous. I totally respect that. But why do you keep trying to shove it down my throat?"

My aunt, who lives in Kansas, wrote a letter to my grandma about how she's concerned with Rebecca no longer being religious. This honestly had no purpose and the only thing that came from it was making my grandma upset. When we got home this letter was waiting for us. Thing that amazes me about it is that I posted an entire blog about how I'm not religious. I posted the link on facebook like I normally do. I'm assuming they never read it because I haven't heard any lecture about it.

One more example, this coming from last Tuesday. It was CSAP (now called TCAP) week at school so Juniors and Seniors have the morning off. Me and a couple friends were helping our friend move. We were all climbing into the car of one of my friends when she took off. Everyone other than me was inside the car.

Now for the most spectacular example. When I was a freshman i was in marching band. My dad had to come pick me up after practice. I was sitting on the steps at the panther when my dad showed up. I started walking towards the car and he was slowing down. Then all of a sudden he drove off. I chased the car to the library where my dad was calling my mom and telling her that he couldn't find me. To clarify the absurdity of this moment it should be known that I was wearing a neon orange hat. A hat that was brighter than any traffic cone and yet I still managed to have my dad drive right past me without noticing me.

There are occasions where it's not that surprising that no one notices me, but there are other occasions where it's like an episode of Blue's Clues and everyone who's watching is blind.

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