Saturday, March 3, 2012

Overgrown Children

People basically remain childlike. They just become more aware as they get older.  As you mature you notice that people are actually judging you based on your actions so are less dramatic about them.

When you're little and you get hit in the eye you fall to the floor and start bawling your eyes out. When you're an adult you realize that people are judging you so you fight back the tears and pretend that it didn't hurt nearly as bad as it did. We don't become more pain tolerant. (Well maybe those of us who are incredibly clumsy do.) It just becomes less acceptable for us to fall to the floor bawling. (Well I guess in a way that does make us more pain tolerant.)

Through out your life you have the same basic reactions to things. Examples:

1.When you're little and someone took your toy, you go and tell your mommy/daddy. When you're an adult and someone takes your toy, you go and tell the police.

2. Kid: "If you're friends with her/him, I'm not friends with you." Adult: "I'm not talking to them and you should be on my side of this argument."

3. No matter what age you are you get mad when someone takes over the TV/computer/chair that you were using. (Even if you won't admit it, it's true.)

4. Kid: "I wanted that last popsicle!" Adult: "Who ate the last chicken wing?"

5. Kid: "I won't eat that it's gross!" Teenager: "I'm not eating that! It looks like crap!" Adult: "I had that specific food for lunch."/ "Oh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you that I'm allergic to that."

You get the idea. It doesn't matter how old we get we basically say and do the same things we do as kids. It just ends up sounding more mature. We're still thinking the same things we did when we were little (maybe with more curse words) we just actually say it in a more adult way.

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