Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Inedible Foods

Everyone who has ever eaten a school lunch has without a doubt complained about it. It's some sort of unwritten American law. For some reason when we get food that is cafeteria style we feel the need to complain about it. Sometimes it's a legitimate statement, but a lot of the time I think people are just complaining because they can. There have only been a few occasions when I couldn't stand food and the worst weren't the school's fault.

1. In middle school no one actually bought the pizza to eat. It was purchased so we  could wad the cheese up and use it as a bouncing ball.

2. In eighth grade, my friend claimed that he could eat anything that was edible without any issue. This led to another friend of mine making him a sandwich containing a little bit of everything from his fridge. To this day, I half expect a mutant life form to burst out of my friends gut and take over the planet. (Seriously, I that sandwich was two steps away from being able to eat a person.)

3. Once again in middle school, the school decided to get creative with milk. Typically, you get to choose from normal milk or chocolate. They decided to add strawberry milk. Still not that strange. Well then what about orange milk or root beer milk?

4. The school decided to make a mystery meat pizza. Not a single person ate pizza that day.

5. Now for the most disgusting. Last year, I traveled down to Texas to visit my grandpa and Aunt. They live in a trailer. For some reason this trailer smells entirely of cat food. They have no pets. (Still not the worst part.) The first morning we were there my sister decided to brave a bowl of cereal. (I personally couldn't get over the cat food smell enough to actually eat.) My sister filled her bowl. Upon adding the milk to the bowl, the cereal started leaping up the sides of the bowl.(I am dead serious!) It literally ran away!  Or at least attempted to. It couldn't actually make it out of the bowl. To this day this is the most disgusting thing I have ever experienced.

Cafeteria food still sounding horrible?

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